Twitter Poems | Micro-Poems | Twaiku
in the shady garden | one tulip
6:37 PM May 15th
oh! | the sound ! | of summer machines !
green evening | light through new-leaved trees | children shouting at their games
sometimes | solitude | is the only consolation
early dawn | two-note, two note | who are you?
swallows | sweeping the sky
thank you | application | no longer available | this function | temporarily disabled | regret to inform | you do not | exist
9:31 PM May 3rd
i keep looking for those | magic words, words | that will open | me, open | you
neighborhood scape: window cat | cat-less window | window cat ...
2:31 PM Apr 29th
robins | worm-hunting | in the snow
watching kitten | watching water
5:03 PM Apr 22nd
cold spring | hot summer | overnight
kitten, nearly cat | leaps on my back | adding her small wounds | to my litany of scars
10:49 PM Apr 18th
this little dog | when she looks at me | what does she see?
9:02 PM Apr 16th
this soapstone buddha | why does he laugh?
this is just to say | i quit loving you years ago | forgive me | you were so sweet | and so cold
crowded dreams | old friends | swim in dark water
overwhelmed | by dailiness
8:42 PM Apr 12th
the modern woman | bereft | without firefox
threading needles, stringing beads | ten thousand | grandmothers
10:43 PM Apr 10th
in the dirt | by the drainpipe | blue stars
crocus | opening | through last year's leaves
someone is kissing my eyelid! | but it's only the cat
"Spring Green" bubblebath | vernal equinox
5:06 PM Mar 20th from
Crazed kitten; early rising.
a black & white morning | all the wet, dark things outlined in snow
thin snow falling | weaving a veil | yet another veil | between me | and the world
blue heron | standing | still
12:02 PM Nov 2nd, 2008
sometimes a poem | is just a poem
sudden hawk | plucks a sparrow | from the climbing rose
8:27 PM Jul 16th, 2008
too tired | to write | a poem
rustling in the winter vine | first the sparrow | then the sparrow hawk
modern art | goddaughter's boyfriend | a living canvas
squirrels mating | in the chinese elm | springtime
everything's changed | this snowy morning
Winter closing its cold hand...
10:16 PM Dec 11th, 2007
Autumn at bedtime | Winter at waking | First snow
11:01 AM Nov 11th, 2007
Late autumn morning; cottonwoods leaved with sparrows.
12:14 PM Nov 10th, 2007
Opening the window to smell winter. . . here it comes!
old losses | eclipsed | by new ones
4:00 in the morning | rain | in the thirsty garden | snufs out my cigarette
4:09 AM Oct 3rd, 2007
snow in the high mountains | around the corner | winter
damp morning | waking up | doggy kisses
11:55 AM Sep 28th, 2007
full moon | wide awake | 'til dawn
this wind is full of ashes ashes, and smoke, and rose petals